Michael J. Koeiman, LL.B.,

mail michael.koeiman@clarkes.com.bb

Michael Koeiman, a Barbados Government Exhibition winner, pursued legal studies at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. He graduated from that institution in 2006 with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree.

Following that, he attended the Hugh Wooding Law School, Trinidad and Tobago and obtained the Legal Education Certificate in 2008. He was called to the Barbados Bar in October, 2008.

Michael interned with Clarke Gittens Farmer in 2006, the final year of the LL.B. programme. He returned to the firm the following year for an in-service attachment where he was exposed to the civil litigation, property and corporate practice areas.

At the end of his studies at the Hugh Wooding Law School, Michael joined the Litigation Department as a Legal Assistant. He has had experience outside of the firm in criminal litigation and international financial services. Presently, he holds the position of Senior Associate in the Litigation Department.


Litigation Department

Practice Areas
  • Civil Litigation

Barbados Bar Association


Barbados, 2008


LL.B. (Hons.) – University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados W.I. – 2006
LEC. – Hugh Wooding Law School, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. – 2008

Clarke Gittens Farmer | Attorneys-at-Law


mail  (246) 436-6287

mail  (246) 436-9812 / (246) 436-9926

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